Saturday, March 19, 2011

Don Quixote: by Jules Massenet

There is one bad thing about the season tickets Penny and I have for the opera. And that is the performance we see is the next to last one of the opera's run. Which means if one of us gets sick then we have very limited wiggle room to reschedule. Such was the case with this fourth opera of our season. Penny came down with the stomach flu and was unable to attend. Fortunately my dear friend Joanna was available to take her place and give me some company in Seattle.

Don Quixote was actually a relatively short opera. We were walking out the door right at 10:05 which is absurdly early for most operas. However, being 9 months pregnant and crammed into a little seat is not the most comfortable so I was happy to see that it was relatively short.

Pros: Wonderful fast moving opera. Nice chorus numbers interspersed throughout the entire opera. There was a HORSE and a DONKEY on stage. No joke. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza both rode them multiple times throughout the opera. It was pretty amazing. I was very impressed that the animals did not balk at the lights or the noise or the person sitting on their backs singing VERY loudly. The orchestra was brilliant as well. I am guessing the opera must not be super complicated because they seemed sharp the entire time. But then again what do I know!

Cons: Was there a con to this opera? I don't know that there was. The biggest negative was that two women were singing the part of two men. But I am sure that was how it was supposed to be. I just find it irritating.

Must See Rating: *****